MuvEnum Blog

Jan 30

MuvAudio v1.4 is now available for download.

Version History:

  • Folder/File Browser Dialogs (output directory, move to directory, watch directory, add folder, add file) now remember last directory selected and start in that directory when opened
  • WMA Lossless Output File Type Added
  • WMA Speech Output File Type Added
  • Removed the “Browse” button from the Library view
  • Added the “Add File(s)” and “Add Folder” button in place of the “Browse” button on the Library view – this now allows a user to more easily add a whole directory, including subdirectories (more obvious than dragging-and-dropping files and folders
  • Updated to VAC 3.12 which should help with issues regardng HT, SMP, and dual-core CPUs
  • Added the ability in the “Automatic” and “Dedicated” setup windows to type in the folder settings. If the folder you entered doesn’t exist, it will warn you and not let you record until you type in a folder path that does exist.
  • Modified Removal of ?’s to not create a space, but instead, just remove the ?’s altogether (i.e., “Muv?Audio” now becomes “MuvAudio” instead of “Muv Audio”) to clear up an issue with some files not being output correctly
  • Removed .mid and .midi files from the supported file types because when they are recorded, they record silence. They are not supported by VAC
  • Fixed the folder settings in the “Automatic” and “Dedicated” windows to properly show only one “\” when you select a drive letter instead of “\\” – (“C:\\” now becomes “C:\”)
  • Fixed an issue where recording a DVD to an audio file and stopping the recording process or letting it finish recording would delete the recorded file
  • Fixed an issue where read-only files that were set to delete, when you chose to delete them upon completion, were not being deleted properly.
  • Fixed an issue regarding an error on startup (“The parameter is incorrect.”) when your saved settings output filetype was WMA or lower in the list of filetype choices
  • Fixed bug where files weren’t being output when they contained an ellipsis (…)

For the latest version of MuvAudio, please visit our downloads section.

-The MuvEnum Development Team


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