MuvEnum Blog

Mar 14

MuvAudio v1.5 is now available for download.

Version History:

  • Added Frozen session detection – this will detect frozen sessions (for users that experience them) and close them so that the rest of the recording process can continue.
  • Added saving a list of remaining songs to complete if a session is frozen. You will be asked to add them to your playlist on your next MuvAudio opening.
  • Added continuation of Dedicated mode if a session freezes (It will be closed which will then allow dedicated mode to continue)
  • Combined the errorlog catching into one file with date and time stamps for easier submission
  • Adding better error handling to the MuvAudio Console
  • Decreased CPU Utilization between file changes
  • Decreased MuvAudio filesize
  • Decreased the time it takes adding files to playlist
  • Fixes an issue regarding sessions that freeze during a song transition and never resume
  • Fixes a few issues regarding the detection of sessions that have paused (detection does not work if perf mon is disabled, but it now no longer errors if they are)
  • Fixed another instance regarding misnamed files related to WMP9 and WMP error dialogs
  • Addressed issue to help with certain soundcards overriding the VAC cables and resulting in silent files unless set through Windows manually
  • Miscellaneous optimzations and code cleanup resulting in better cpu utilization and filesize

For the latest version of MuvAudio, please visit our downloads section.

-The MuvEnum Development Team


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