MuvEnum Blog

Feb 19

MuvEnum Address Bar v3.7.0.0 is now available for download.

Version History:

  • Added option to specify whether you want entered text that was not found to load in your specified search engine or to load as a website (http://text/).
  • Added settings to disable the search/load website prompt from showing and to automatically search or load the website when entered text is not found.
  • Added support for expanding the full paths and therefore showing the items in those paths in the auto-completion list for the following system folders: Desktop, (My) Documents, (My) Pictures, (My) Music, Favorites.
  • Added support for showing and loading .lnk files from the favorites folder in the auto-completion list if Internet Explorer is checked in the options.
  • Added support for showing all links from the Start Menu in the auto-completion list (disbled by default).
  • Modified display to show “.url” and “.lnk” at the end of shortcuts to better mimic the original address bar.
  • Fixed folders on the desktop shown in the auto-completion not loading but instead bringing up the search prompt.
  • Fixed auto-completion list not updating until you restarted your computer when modifying which browsers are enabled in the options.
  • Fixed issue with the search engine url losing text when certain characters were entered, i.e., #.

As always, we welcome your comments and suggestions.

For the latest version of MuvEnum Address Bar, please visit our downloads section.

-The MuvEnum Development Team


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