MuvEnum Blog

Oct 29

MuvAudio v3.0.0.2 is now available for download.

This release fixes the majority of the issues that have been reported since the initial release.  We appreciate all the feedback and bug reports we have received as it helps us continually improve the quality of our products.  Enjoy!

Version History:

  • Fixed Send To MuvUnder Cover not working correctly for large lists of files.
  • Fixed Send To MuvAudio not working correctly for large lists of files.
  • Fixed MuvAudio crashing when loading MuvAudio from the shell extension and trying to convert the loaded files when they use the Child process.
  • Fixed an issue where if the output separator only contained a “space” it would crash the software after close, reopen, and convert of files.
  • Fixed “Open Folder Location” right-click option for watch folders not working.
  • Fixed watch folder mode not finding files when they were created during conversion and no new files were created after that conversion session ended.
  • Fixed watch folder mode crashing when trying to watch a folder that has been deleted because all files have been converted and removed.
  • Fixed buttons on all listboxes not being enabled when Watch Folder mode was stopped.
  • Fixed ABR not being set for MP3 output format when selected. It was instead using CBR and its’ bitrate.
  • Fixed “Convert To” tab settings reloading the original settings if modified, and then when clicking to another tab and then switching back to the “Convert To” tab.
  • Fixed transcoding possibly creating same filename from same tagged files which would cause one of the conversions to fail.
  • Fixed failed moving of completed files if the filename we were moving to already existed. It now creates unique filenames.
  • Fixed possible crash of WMP when it was open and playing a song and a conversion session ended.
  • Fixed not setting the soundcard correctly on non-English language versions of Windows Vista and 7.
  • Added .NET 3.5 SP1 download and install message when splashscreen cannot load due to .NET 3.5 SP1 not being installed correctly.
  • Added message to show when user has run out of disk space rather than crashing.
  • Modified setting audio device to fix an issue with it not always working on slower systems.
  • Modified scenario where windowsettings was trying to save for a roaminguser and it would cause the software to crash.
  • Removed “primary sound” for all languages from the soundcard selection list as it is not a valid output device.

For the latest version of MuvAudio, please visit our downloads section.

-The MuvEnum Development Team

Oct 16

MuvEnum is proud to announce the availability of MuvAudio 3!  It’s been over three years since the first release of MuvAudio 2.  We thought it was about time to create something better and that’s exactly what we have done.  Though right about now we’re feeling pretty exhausted, after all, that kitchen sink was pretty heavy.  We’d like to thank all of our customers for their continued support.  Your word of mouth is our best friend and we appreciate every little word you spread.  We hope you enjoy MuvAudio 3!

MuvAudio v3.0.0.1 is now available for download.

MuvAudio v3 is a paid upgrade at a discounted rate for users of MuvAudio v1 and v2. We will be sending out an upgrade email shortly to all previous owners so be sure to check for it.  Customers who purchased MuvAudio v2 on or after July 15th, 2009 will be receiving their free upgrade to MuvAudio v3 shortly as well.  If you don’t receive it by tomorrow, please send us a support request and we’ll get it sent out.

Version History:

  • Support for Windows 7!
  • Realtime conversions of up to 28x! That’s almost 200% faster than MuvAudio 2. The best part about this is that you don’t necessarily need a better computer to get these faster speeds. On the same hardware you should see an improvement of 25% to 200% for your conversion speed!
  • Straight transcoding (non-realtime conversion of supported file types) speeds above and beyond 200x thanks to multi-processor and multi-core support.
  • Convert iTunes files, Windows Media Player files, and a bunch of other new file formats (50+) like APE, OGG, WV, etc. All without requiring any additional plugins.
  • A new user interface that greatly enhances the user experience. So long “console”; you won’t be missed. 🙂
  • A Windows Explorer “Send To” extension that lets you easily load files into MuvAudio from Windows Explorer.
  • Integration with MuvUnder Cover: The Album Art Sleuth
  • More output formats and more control over the output format settings.
  • And a bunch of things we’ve probably forgotten about that are just as exciting (we didn’t forget, we just believe it’s easier to show you how awesome MuvAudio 3 is rather than telling you, so go download it now!).

For the latest version of MuvAudio, please visit our downloads section.

-The MuvEnum Development Team

Oct 16

MuvUnder Cover: The Album Art Sleuth v1.6.5.1 is now available for download.

This version includes a quick fix for the integration with MuvAudio 3 and the “Send To” extension having issues with large amounts of files.

Version History:

  • Fixed the non-loading of files with the integration of MuvAudio 3 and the “Send To” extension when the length of the files exceeded 2080 characters.

As always, we welcome your comments and suggestions.

For the latest version of MuvUnder Cover: The Album Art Sleuth, please visit our downloads section.

-The MuvEnum Development Team

Oct 15

MuvUnder Cover: The Album Art Sleuth v1.6.5.0 is now available for download.

This version adds support for integration with the ‘soon-to-be-released’ MuvAudio v3, support for some new Windows 7 features as well as my personal favorite in this release, a ‘Send To’ MuvUnder Cover Windows Explorer extension that lets me quickly load files into MuvUnder Cover from Windows Explorer (Right-click -> Send To -> MuvUnder Cover).

Version History:

  • Added a Windows Explorer ‘Send To’ shell extension for MuvUnder Cover. You can now select multiple files and folders from within Windows Explorer, right-click and choose ‘Send To’ and then select ‘MuvUnder Cover’ and the MuvUnder Cover will load all supported files.
  • Added integration for MuvAudio v3.
  • Added support for loading files from Windows 7 libraries.
  • Added taskbar progress bar support on Windows 7. The MuvUnder Cover taskbar entry will fill with the progress of tasks.
  • Added indeterminate state to progressbar when searching for files so users know graphically that something is being done (it’s looke for files).
  • Modified progress bar cancel button to be a “stop” button to follow UX guidelines and match MuvAudio v3.
  • Modified “Choose Folders” to “Choose Files” to signify that you can now select individual files in addition to folders. This feature matches MuvAudio v3 functionality.
  • Modified “Shortcuts for all users” option in the installer to be checked by default but only create start menu shortcuts (reduces duplicate icons on desktop and quicklaunch for the installing user).
  • Modified MessageBox icons.
  • Fixed random crash on loading when users didn’t have the needed permissions to a registry key.
  • Fixed drag to top on Windows 7 causing the application to display over the Windows Start Menu Taskbar.
  • Fixed incorrectly sized “search” tab in the options dialog.

As always, we welcome your comments and suggestions.

For the latest version of MuvUnder Cover: The Album Art Sleuth, please visit our downloads section.

-The MuvEnum Development Team


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