MuvEnum Blog

Mar 20

MuvEnum Address Bar v5.3.1.0 is now available for download.

This release improves logging performance if enabled and now defaults to showing search keywords after “enter” instead of the search engine query url. A few other fixes found there way in as well. Enjoy!

Version History:

  • Modified searches to now display typed text rather than search engine url with search terms embedded in the url. This makes it easy to modify search when incorrect terms were typed.
  • Fixed calculator equation when shown with answer showing the incorrect decimal separator on a non-english version of Windows.
  • Fixed issue with logging, when enabled, causing up to 10 second pauses, freezing Windows Explorer.
  • Fixed some batch files not loading with arguments correctly.

As always, we welcome your comments and suggestions.

For the latest version of the MuvEnum Address Bar, please visit our downloads section.

-The MuvEnum Development Team


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