MuvEnum Blog

Jul 23

MuvUnder Cover: The Album Art Sleuth v1.9.0.0 is now available for download.

If you run into any problems running this new version, please let us know.

Version History:

  • Fixed Google Images not returning results.

As always, we welcome your comments and suggestions.

For the latest version of MuvUnder Cover: The Album Art Sleuth, please visit our downloads section.

-The MuvEnum Development Team

2 responses to “MuvUnder Cover v1.9.0.0 Released”

  1. Rony Franky says:

    Hi there!

    I hope you guys have been safe.

    I was just wondering if there’s any fix/update at all for MuvUnder coming as it haven’t been updated in years? The program is totally not fetching album covers anymore. All returns are with the red exclamation mark.

    Please let me know!


  2. Rony,

    We’ve all been safe. Thanks for the concern. We just released an update, v1.9.1.0, that updates the image sources that had changed causing no results to be returned. Check it out and give it a try! If you have any other issues, please contact support and we’ll work on getting it resolved.

    Take care,

    MuvEnum Support

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