MuvEnum Blog

Mar 03

I finally took the plunge.  Thanks to my new iPhone and Twinkle, I am officially on Twitter and have been for the last week or so, tweeting about anything and everything MuvEnum related.  If you want to see what I’m working on, want to know what I’m thinking, or enjoy lame-but-not-so-lame-that-it-makes-you-want-to-poke-your-eye(s)-out humor, then follow me: @MuvEnumJohn

There is also an integrated page on our website which you can view at

May 22

Number of Selected Items – Outlook 2007 is a simple plugin that adds a label to the standard toolbar which displays the number of items you currently have selected, similar to Windows Explorer. The main download contains the Office 2007 Plugin runtime required to install the plugin. If you already have this installed, you can download the .MSI version here

This little gem was created out of our own desire to see the number of selected items in Outlook 2007. We’re “stat” freaks and sometimes like to easily see how many support requests we responded to in a day or the number of sales in a certain time period. We know we could do some search queries in the new (much appreciated) Vista/Office 2007 search, but we usually only think to check these numbers when we’re actually viewing the emails. We’re also used to the Windows Explorer selected objects information shown in the status bar. FYI: This will show number of selected items in any Outlook view; Contacts, Tasks, Emails, etc.

Here’s a quick preview of how it looks (the red rounded rectangle is not shown in the actual program):

Click for Larger Image

It’s free, it’s simple to install, and it does the job nicely. We hope you enjoy it!


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