MuvEnum Blog

Dec 18

We have updated our purchasing options to now allow users to purchase MuvAudio2 using Google Checkout. Now, by offering the payment option of Google Checkout, we support the two top payment methods online. Recently adding support for Windows Vista, MuvAudio2 is ready for the future.

Enjoy the Holiday Season!

The MuvEnum Team

Dec 09

MuvAudio v2.5.0.0, with support for Windows Vista, is now available for download.

Version History:

  • Added support for Windows Vista (32-bit).
  • Added support for using MuvAudio2 under an administrator account or standard user account in Windows Vista
  • Added support for saving and loading different settings (accessible from the playlist button).
  • Added a “retry” option to the exception submission in case you haven’t allowed access for MuvAudio2 through your firewall.
  • Added MessageBox on Update form to inform the user that there is an update, rather than just showing the information.
  • Added tentative support for converting from “.m4a”, “.mp4”, “.ogg”, “.flac”, “.spx”, “.mpc”, “.ape”, “.wv”, “.ofr”, “.ofs”, and “.tta”. files when appropriate WMP plugins are installed.
  • Added the running of MuvAudio2 Reset Soundcard at the completion of installation to address an issue with the installation of MuvEnum Virtual Cable setting one of the devices as the default audio device (only if .NET 2.0 is installed).
  • Added an option (yes/no messagebox) on uninstall to be taken to our website to provide feedback of why you are uninstalling MuvAudio2 (to help us improve the software).
  • Added some checks to make sure sessions close when “stopping and exiting” in the console when sessions are repeating the error dialogs shown by Windows Media Player.
  • Modified the output directory and filename examples to use ellipsis. This allows more characters to fit in the label and auto creates a tooltip of the full information on mouseover. This also applies to the song labels on the Console.
  • Modified installer to default to only the current user shortcut creation, but added option to create all shortcuts for all users on the computer.
  • Modified Watch Folder Mode to only care about previously recorded files using Watch Folder Mode if you use the “Leave Original File(s) Alone” option. The other two options will treat all files as never having been recorded. This is how it should’ve been from the start.
  • Modified text on Reset Soundcard app when run from the installer to be more “setup” oriented.
  • Modified error message when audioctl.dll was not properly registered to inform the user to reinstall MuvAudio2 to fix the issue. This can happen when you install a different program that uses the same dll in their directory and their uninstall deregisters it.
  • Fixed an issue with album art sometimes not being embedded into mp3 files if the previous file recorded on the session had the same album name as the current file.
  • Fixed an issue with “Watch Folder Mode” giving a “MuvAudio2 Console is already open” error over and over, not allowing it to proceed with the recording process.
  • Fixed some graphical anomalies with the bottom section of the console.
  • Fixed typo in trial version when selecting “delete” or “move” file option, stating the trial sound will play every 5 seconds (changed to 30).
  • Fixed issue where dragging a file onto the form that was supported would enable the recording button, which if pressed and started, would cause MuvAudio2 to crash.
  • Moved and resized the output folder label and filename label so their distance from the splitter box is the same.
  • Removed the splashscreen when an error with audioctl.dll is found.

For the latest version of MuvAudio, please visit our downloads section.

-The MuvEnum Development Team


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